What is involved with removing an underground oil tank in North Eastham?
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Step 1 - Local Permits
Local permits are required in most towns including North Eastham for the removal of residential or commercial heating oil tanks.
Fire Marshalls Office is contacted and a tentative date/time is chosen for inspection.
Step 2 - Underground Utilities are marked (DigSafe-811)
An outline of the Tank is made to facilitate utility mark-out and to assist with planning and equipment required.
We obtain a utility markout (as required by law), so underground utilities are located by their respective owners (which includes but is not limited to): Gas, Water, Sewer, Phone, Cable, Electric, etc. We ask the owner to assist us to identify any additional electrical lines for lights, water drainage, sprinkler system, electronic pet fencing, etc that he or she is aware of.
Step 3 - Oil Tank Removal Procedures
We uncover the buried heating oil tank by excavating all soil necessary to expose the top of the buried oil tank. Most underground storage tanks are buried 2' to 4' deep (measured from the top of the tank to ground level)
After the tank has been exposed (i.e., the top of the tank is visible), the oil tank will be checked for combustable vapors. If necessary, an inert or flame retardent type gas will be dispensed to displace combustable vapors and then the tank will be cut open. In some cases to properly clean a tank, the entry way cut in to the tank must be large enough to allow a technician to enter the tank to perform the physical cleaning process. Tank cleaning then consists of pumping and removing all liquids and sludges from the tank. The tank will then be washed inside and all liquids and sludges generated as a result of the tank cleaning process will be transported from the site to an approved waste oil recycling facility.
After the Oil Tank has been cleaned and inspected, the Tank will be lifted in its entirety from the ground for inspection. At this time the local fire official performs an inspection of the Oil Tank and tank grave. If no holes and leakage are noted in the Tank and no evidence of a petroleum release is observed in the tank grave, soil samples are then taken and the excavation will be backfilled with proper material & compacted.
Step 4 - Oil Tank Certification
After all the site work is completed and soil test results received, a Closure Report is generated detailing the tank removal process. The report will document the Oil Tank removal and provide a Tank Removal Certification.
The report will also include the following information:
- Copy of the local permit for tank removal (when required).
- Step by step Photo documentation of the Tank removal process.
- Comments (if any) by the Fire Marshall.
- A witnessed observation of the condition of the Tank and if any contamination was observed during the excavation.
- A written description of the Tank removal activities.
- Verifiable Tank Disposal documentation and Laboratory results of soil sample(s) from a State Approved Lab
Aboveground Oil Tank Removal in North Eastham
For closure of Above ground Storage Tanks (ASTs), we follow American Petroleum Institute (API) standards, to ensure safe and proper tank decommissioning. To ensure a safe working environment OSHA certified owner or workers are present on all jobs.
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Our multi step process for basement oil tank removal in North Eastham consists of the following:
Step 1. Submit and obtain local permits for the removal of the AST where required.
Step 2. Schedule the work approximately one week in advance to allow the customer proper notice of the work activities and to make room for the removal process.
Step 3. Arrive on site on the day specified and complete a safety meeting discussing safety concerns of the project.
Step 4. Any pumpable liquids found in the tank will be tranfered to an approved holding tank.
Step 5. After liquid removal, we check the atmosphere of the tank for potentially dangerous tank conditions such as combustable vapor levels. If necessary, we then add an inert or flame retardent type gas to virtually eliminate any potential combustion capabilities prior to cutting. Heavy wall piping is then removed as needed. The tank is then cut open as per American Petroleum Institute (API) Publication 2015 or taken out whole if circumstances allow. Following API standards ensures that the tank is thoroughly cleaned of any residual liquid, sludge, etc which is required by local and state regulations. Tank cleaning will consist of wiping, scraping and removing all liquids and sludges from the tank. All liquids generated as a result of the tank cleaning process will be transported to an approved oil recycling facility. Solids will also be properly disposed of by incineration and recycled/mixed into road base.
Step 6. After the tank has been cleaned and inspected the tank will be removed in sections. Any remaining fill and vent pipes will be capped on both the interior and exterior of the wall or removed entirely if it appears that this can be done without damage. Pipe holes that are exposed from an exterior wall will be sealed with concrete or a suitable material to blend with the structure. The copper supply and return lines that supplied the fuel will be evacuated with a vacuum pump, the empty lines will then be crimped on both ends and will remain in place if under concrete or removed if accessible.
Step 7. Heating Oil Tanks that were removed in whole, will still be required to be cut in half for proper cleaning (shop performed) and then trucked to an authorized metal recycling facility.
Step 8. After completion, we draft a report documenting the tank closure activities (if necessary) along with final invoice/receipt.
We are a certified Dehoust Tank Installer. We are also a certified Roth Tank installer!